Thursday, October 16, 2008

Promoting Affiliate Products and Services through Classified ads

Today I am going to start trying to promote the affiliate products by posting it to the free classified sites.

I've decided to focus on one product at a time until I get a complete understanding of everything . Taking it one step at a time makes things less overwhelming. The good thing is that the My Data Team Global Data Entry program lists a number of free classified sites along with the links to access them.

To be honest, I am a little skeptical about posting to free classified ads because I heard that it is a complete waste of time. We will see how true this is.

I took it upon myself to do some research on the best tactics that will generate some profits through this method. Here are a few articles on how to post to classified ads.

How to Use Free Classifieds Online

Creating an Effective Classified Ad

Free Classified Advertising Tutorial

How to Market Using Free Classifieds

Well, let me get started. I will update you on my progress.

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