Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Create a Signature in Forums

Signatures appear at the very bottom of  each message that you post.  Most forum members create a signature when they would like to promote their business.  Learning how to create a signature is a great way of marketing your work at home business on a forum.  How do you create a signature?

Many forums use BBCode to create signatures. Here are some of the  basic codes to help you get started BBCode:

[b]To make your text bold[/b]

[u]To make the text underlined[/u]

[i]Text you want Italicized[/i]

[size=5]Text you want Sized[/size]
(sizes go from 1 (too small to read) and 29 extremely large.)

[color=red]Text you want Red[/color]
or using a hex color [color=#666666]Text you want Gray[/color]

[quote="Name of person you are quoting"]Text you are quoting[/quote]

[url="http://url you wish to add"]Text you want to be clickable[/url]

[email]Your Email[/email]

[img]URL of image[/img]

Remember,  do not space the first word after the first bracket or the last word before the last bracket.

Once you create your signature remember to preview it before posting.


MsFit said...

Just stopping by to say hello!
You have a really good blog,
Its full of lots of useful info.
I'll be stopping in often.

MsFit @ $ Quests 4 Cash- Your Source For Cash Online $

stephjgrah said...

Thanks!! I appreciate the feedback.

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